Now it's Paralympics!

As I write, I watch the Opening Ceremony of the Paralympics Games in Japan. And as I watch, many memories comes to my mind.
As one of all the athletes sitting there in the front row at the huge arena in Seoul in 1988 at the Opening Ceremony, full of expectations and truly excited about the competition days ahead of me, was an enormous experience. As for all elite athletes, the Olympic Games are the absolute biggest competition you can compete in. And as an athlete, it requires an enormous amount of preparation, endless training hours and a strong mind to handle the competition nerves.
The Swedish Television made a documentary about me and my preparations for the Paralympics. It's just in Swedish but you can watch it on SVTs Open Archive.
1998 Japan hosted the Winter Paralympics in Nagano. I had the great pleasure of performing together with the pianist Anders Wihk at the Opening Ceremony. It was one of the greatest experiences as a singer I have ever done. I got to sing in front of the emperor and his family, all the elite athletes from all corners of the world and a huge audience of tens of thousands of people not to mention all the TV viewers around the world.
And if I have to compare, I have to admit - it was more fun to sing than to swim!
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